從『廣利成』成立之初,公司即秉持著『真誠精緻』的企業理念,以誠信為本,穩健經營,對於技術與品質持續的成長與創新,努力實踐『培育一流人才,建立一流品質,製造一流產品』以達到永續經營的目標 未來,公司期望不論在生產技術、品質管制、行銷管理、各方面上達到頂尖的水平,成為一家擁有國際水準之『精密機械鈑金製造廠』

The company’s Vision
At the beginning of the foundation of KWAN LI CHENG , the company holds“Sincerity and Elaboration”as the business management motto. Based on sincerity , stable management , constant growth , along with innovation of both skills and qualities , we endeavor to fulfil the spirit of “Fostering outstanding people , establishing first class quality , and manufacturing excellent products” so as to meet the goal of sustainable management. In the future , the company expects to achieve high standard no matter in the manufacturing skills , quality control , or marketing management with the purpose of earning the title of “Precision machinery sheet metal factory.”